Friday, July 9, 2010

Time flies when you're having fun!

Can you believe I've been gone almost a month? It's unreal. Somedays I feel like I've lived in Zimbabwe forever...other days, even the simplest things can be difficult to deal with. but I think it's definitely safe to say that I am happy here. I really am. :)

Work is good, but becaue I spend 8 hours a day there, I don't really feel like talking about it right now. Also, it's funny because before I came to Zimbabwe, I didn't think that I was going to have much fun here, and that I would throw myself soley into my job. Now, I think I'm having so much fun meeting people and exploring Zimbabwe that work sometimes seems slightly tame compared to the adventures I have on the weekends. I'm actually a little worried about my ability in having a desk job for a career. Don't get me wrong, I'm very much enjoying what I'm doing, and learning alot. I love working with people, answering their questions, helping them get their applications straightened out. That feels rewarding. Also, I'm starting to feel more like an expert and understand the system. But sitting in front of a computer all day, week after week...I dunno. In any case, I've definitely realized how little time 2.5 months really is. It's not long at all, especially when you're surrounded by people who have multiple year posts. It's nice to have a little perspective on the big picture.

My trip to Victoria Falls last weekend ROCKED! I'll tell more detailed stories about my adventures soon. Check out my pictures on facebook!! Don't worry, I took alot more than what you see online, but I didn't have the time or the internet capacity to load anymore. The falls were truely one of the most fantastic things I've EVER seen in my life. Absolutely phenomenal. A world destination. ANDDDDD I went BUNGI JUMPING off the 333 foot high bridge crossing the Zambia/Zimbabwe border. We also went riverrafting, and I took a horse safari. I can't wait to write all about it when I have more time.

Tomorrow, Stan, Asa, Kirsty, Jayke, and I are driving up to the Eastern Highlands. They say that it's one of the most beautiful places in Zimbabwe. Mountainous, green, very Tolkien-Lord of the Rings-like scenery. We've decided to hike up the tallest mountain. The vistas should be incredible. It's nice to have a group of solid friends to travel with. I'm enjoying their company now before everyone leaves in two weeks, and I'm left to fend for myself.

Oh another news brief, I have to move out of my house next week...on my freakin' birthday! :(  I'm kind of bummed because that means that we'll no longer be in our cozy house, and that we have to leave Georgina and Amon, and their adorable children behind. I made friends with the oldest kid, Tatenda. Tatenda in Shona means "thank you." Amon's  little 4-5 year old also loves me for some reason. When I get home from work he often runs out screaming joyfully and grabs my legs. I swear I love little kids. I just wish they could skip the baby stage cause babies make me nervous, haha! Anyways, the new house we're moving too is apparently even more of a mansion, which I'll be living in by myself once Mayela leaves 23 July. It's a little bit out of town, more secluded but still with a suburban feel. We'll see.

Oh and guess what?? I found a place to go rowing twice a week! NO JOKE! There's a rowing club 30 minutes north of the city at Mazoe Dam. The head lady organizer was SO excited in my interest. She even offered me a coaching job, which granted would have been cool, but I'm really not here long enough to truly do anything productive here. But! I get to carpool with other rowers on Thursdays and Sundays. The first regatta is July 25. I hope to race, although I'll probably get my butt kicked since I haven't been on the water for so long! Oh well, bring it on! :)

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